On hearing the phrase “Root canal treatment” one automatically thinks of a procedure that is going to be immensely painful and the “fear of pain” prevents them from visiting their dentist. However, in reality the treatment isn’t that painful or scary as it seems and can be successfully completed in a single visit. This has been possible with the recent advancements in dental instruments as well as techniques. We in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of ITS CDSR, Muradnagar are well equipped with the latest technology to deliver the best.
First and foremost, local anesthesia plays a crucial role in delivering painless treatment. The recent advances in local anesthetic delivery like the use of vibro-tactile devices and computer controlled local anesthesia have made the treatment far more comfortable for the patients. Use of CBCT is a useful tool in navigating clinically complex endodontic anatomy and are often used as adjunct in endodontic diagnosis.
The advent of Nickel Titanium files have made the shaping of the root canal system highly efficient due to their superior flexibility and high cutting efficiency. This in conjunction with the latest irrigation devices like Endo-Activator, EndoVac and Passive ultrasonic devices have made it possible to predictably clean the root canal system in a single visit.
Lasers supported endodontic treatment have also been beneficial in eliminating bacterial irritants from the root canal. Low level laser therapy have been found highly effective in decreasing inflammation and reduction in post endodontic pain. Use of Surgical Operating Microscopes and Loupes have enabled tremendous improvements in visual acuity and thus contributed to improved outcome of endodontic therapy. In a nutshell, dentistry has been continuously evolving and these innovations are making the life easier for the dentists as well as the patients, enabling predictable root canal therapy comfortably in less time.
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