




I.T.S Dental College, Muradnagar runs a comprehensive compulsory one year rotary internship program (CRIP) dedicated to train students who have done their graduation (B.D.S) from outside colleges and is strictly governed by the DCI regulations. The essence of the Dental Internship Program is to facilitate the transition of a closely supervised undergraduate student to be an independent dental practitioner responsible for his/her own professional audit. In addition, it exposes interns to different specialties in dentistry that may help him/her identify his/her particular area of interest in dentistry and to supply him/her with adequate information related to various career options. The number of vacant slots per year are limited and will be strictly subject to availability. Campus hostel facility is available for the students. 

For further details regarding application process, fees and availability of seats please contact the admission manager, ITS Dental College, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad.

Contact details:
Ms. Radha D. Chandra
Head Admissions & Customer Relations
Mob: +91-8447753520

The main aims of the Dental Internship Training Program are:

  • Improve dental knowledge of intern.
  • Improve clinical skills.
  • Develop confidence in his/her skills and abilities
  • Improve communication skills.
  • Develop professionalism skills.
  • Develop scientific research skills.
  • Enhance community and volunteer dental project.

Intern at the end of the Dental Internship Training Program will be able to:

  • Practice good standards of clinical care.
  • Perform clinical skills safely to make sure that patients are not subjected to unnecessary risk.
  • Apply the principles of good dental practice and the standards of competence, care and conduct, expected of any dentist worldwide.
  • Integrate the clinical, basic, behavioral and social sciences on which dental practice is based.
  • Recognize the health hazards of dental practice.
  • Collect and record the patient’s history, (e.g. including CC, Hx CC, MHx etc
  • Perform comprehensive physical, oral and dental examination.
  • Interpret the findings from the history, the physical and oral examination, the results of commonly used investigations and oral radiographs including intra-oral and extra-oral imaging views.
  • Learn basics of CBCT applications and interpretations.
  • Make clinical decisions based on the evidence he/she has gathered, assess and diagnose the patient’s problems and write a treatment plan to effectively manage the case.
  • Learn the basics of Lasers, Ultrasonic and TENS therapy.
  • Manage emergency dental cases.
  • Work in the dental clinic with minimum supervision.
  • Provide dental services to the public through effective community based programs and camps.
  • Use proper dental materials in the clinic in order to provide the best dental treatment.
  • Demonstrate preventive aids to the patient for education.
  • Perform different dental cavity preparations (e.g.: CL I, II. III, IV&VI etc) with minimum invasive approach and restore it with proper materials (e.g.; amalgam, comp. G.I and IRM etc) to restore function and esthetics.
  • Learn and perform different crown preparations to construct (PFM and all ceramic crowns) and cementation.
  • Replace missing teeth with fixed partial dentures, removable dentures, complete dentures and dental implants as indicated.
  • Perform root canal therapy including pulp extirpation, instrumentation and obturation for indicated teeth by using proper instruments and devices.
  • Perform scaling and root planning for indicated cases.
  • Perform minor oral surgical procedure including extraction, biopsies and suturing.
  • Learn basics of orthodontic therapy and appliance fabrication.
  • Learn about exfoliative cytology including smear preparation and FNAC, basic laboratory investigations and perform blood sample collection.
  • Utilize behavior management with pediatric patient.
  • Treat different ages e.g. child, adult and geriatric patient.
  • Demonstrate competence in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic life support skills.
  • Know commonly prescribed drugs in dentistry (indication, contraindication, side effects, drug and drug interactions and antibiotics resistance).
  • Know common drugs prescribed for common chronic diseases (e.g.: diabetes mellitus, hypertension and anemia.).
  • Intern will also be promoted to learn the basics of scientific research and conduct and present scientific research (e.g. proposal defense, research presentation and poster presentation) and also write scientific research manuscript which will improve scientific writing skills.