Central Library
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Library
With more than 10128 books, 2255 Journals, 1662 Thesis, Library dissertations and Thesis protocols, I.T.S Dental College, Muradnagar Central Library aims to provide highest quality reading material & services.
Library is centrally located on 1st floor, with area of more than 8047 sq. ft. The library is fully air conditioned with an ambient environment for study and research purpose. The central library includes separate Undergraduate and Postgraduate areas, Faculty lounge, Journal section, Reference section, online OPAC search counter, Internet Browsing Centre, Circulation counter and Photocopy section. It has a total seating capacity of 213 students. The Average number of books added during last three years- 197 per year.
Library Working Hours
On Working days : 13 hrs 30 min (8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
On Holidays: 09 hrs (9:00 am to 6:00 p.m.)

Library automation
The library is fully automated.
The library is fully automated. The library uses Alice for Windows which is fully functional software for automation. It is used for various housekeeping operations such as acquisition, cataloguing, serial control and circulation which are fully automated. The software allows for easy searchability of books according to author, year, title, subject and displays shelf wise arrangement of the books from a self operated touch screen terminal installed in the library.
Content management system for e-learning
Library at I.T.S is fully equipped for participation in resource sharing networks/consortia (like INFLIBNET) The institution’s learning resource centre has library DELNET membership. This is used as means of resource sharing with other library all over the country. All students and faculty can access online journals and other e-books which will be available by the DELNET. Med-line, Proquest and Ebsco journals also can be accessed through this facility.
Various Search Engines
Various e-sources
Library provides access to 83 e-books, 451 e-journals including webinars.

Service To Members
- Access to e-resources(e-books & e-journals)
- Repository Facility
- Reading room Facility
- Internet facility through fully wi-fi enabled campus
- Printing & scanning facility
- Book bank facility
- Question bank facility
- Inter-library Loan Service
- Library Information is deployed and Notified through OPAC system.
- Biometric attendance system has been installed to register and monitor user entry and exit.
- The library has upgraded internet connection of 20 Mbps speed leased line. Closed circuit cameras have been installed to monitor daily activity of the library.
- Electronic feedback system has been installed for interactive user feedback about the functioning of the library.
- A separate help desk for students with online OPAC system to allow easy access and search the titles in the database has been installed.