

International Student Exchange Program - Visit to Yonsei University, Korea

Students of the Comprehensive Oral Implantology Course conducted by I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad visited Yonsei University, South Korea as a part of the International Student Exchange Program for great Clinical and theoretical experience in Implantology from 17th to 19th August 2024.

The students attended Lecture and Hands-On of different techniques of Direct Sinus lift on Maxillary Dental Models using MFS kit by Dr. Hoyeol Jang, renowned Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, South Korea.

This was followed by a visit to Yonsei University, South Korea to attend the 50th Golden Jubilee Symposium of Yonsei- Perio for first hand international clinical experience from the legends of various Universities from all over the world.

The Students then visited Yonsei University College of Dentistry which was followed by visit to the various dental departments.

They also had an amazing experience of exploring the streets of Seoul and had a great time during local sightseeing.

Our sincere thanks to our Honourable Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, Shri Arpit Chadha for his invaluable support in providing such opportunities and platform to students for their comprehensive and holistic development and learning.

Student Exchange Program with University of Barcelona- Day 1

Students of the Implantology Course conducted by I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad visited University of Barcelona as part of the International Student Exchange Program for great Clinical and theoretical experience in Implantology.


Students landed at Paris from where they moved to University of Barcelona.They all had an amazing experience while exploring streets of Paris and had a great time during local sightseeing.

Our sincere thanks to our Honourable Vice-Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, Mr. Arpit Chadha, for his invaluable support in providing such opportunities and platform to students for their comprehensive and holistic development and learning.

International Student Exchange Program- Day 2

Students of the Implantology Course conducted by I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad visited University of Barcelona as part of the International Student Exchange Program for great Clinical and theoretical experience in Implantology.


Students were taken to visit at GMI factory,Leida, Spain for firsthand international clinical experience and theoretical knowledge from the legends of Implantology as part of their module which includes Lecture series about designing and manufacturing of implants and factory tour.

Visit was ended by lunch certificate distribution by the GM of the company.

Our sincere thanks to our Honourable Vice-Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, Mr. Arpit Chadha, for his invaluable support in providing such opportunities and platform to students for their comprehensive and holistic development.

International Student Exchange Program- Day 3

Students of the Implantology Course conducted by I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad visited University of Barcelona as part of the International Student Exchange Program for great Clinical and theoretical experience in Implantology.


Students visited University of Barcelona where a lecture was organised by Professor Inaki Cercadillo on the topic "How to predict success in Full Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitation"
This was followed by visit to the Dental hospital where they received the firsthand clinical and theoretical experience.

Visit was ended by lunch and certificate distribution.

Our sincere thanks to our Honourable Vice-Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, Shri. Arpit Chadha, for his invaluable support in providing such opportunities and platform to students for their comprehensive and holistic development and learning.

IACDAE - Student Exchange Program 2019

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad, got an opportunity to host a student exchange program for the third consecutive year under the aegis of IACDE from 9th to 12th July 2019, whereby students from different colleges were invited.  Day 1 and 2 included a workshop on esthetic dentistry by renowned speaker, Dr. B. Mohan. Day 3 included demonstration of Zirconia crown fabrication by CAD/CAM technology, a CBCT workshop and learnt how to do a facebow transfer. Day 4 started with a lecture on adhesion in operative dentistry, followed by a visit to advance dental research center where they learnt about advanced techniques of research like universal testing machine and Vickers hardness testing machine, DNA isolation, bacterial inoculation and colony counting. Students were also given an orientation for LASER and a demonstration for conscious sedation. As part of recreation, students were invited for dinner by the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, wherein students got an opportunity to interact with other post graduates. The students were awarded with certificates by Mr Arpit Chadha, Vice chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group. They were also gifted a token of appreciation from the college.

International Student Exchange program-Pusan University, South Korea

Students of the Implantology course conducted by I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad visited Pusan University, South Korea as part of the International Student Exchange program and had a great international clinical and theoretical experience in Implantology. Students also had an amazing time exploring North Korea and trying its cuisines on last two days. We are grateful to our respected Vice Chairman, Mr Arpit Chadha, who has been committed to provide the best in class knowledge to our students.

PCR workshop and Post graduate Student Exchange Program

Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology and Centre for Advanced research, I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad conducted a four day workshop on Advanced Molecular Diagnosis by PCR and RFLP techniques and Postgraduate Student exchange program from 13th to 16th February 2019. Our sincere thanks to our honorable Vice Chairman, Mr. Arpit Chadha, for gracing the occasion and motivating us to conduct this  program.

"Student Exchange Program" on 1st Dec 2018

The Department of Orthodontics conducted a Student Exchange Program on 1st Dec, 2018. Five final year Post-Graduate students from Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College visited the department and interacted with the students and faculty. The day started with case presentations and discussions followed by observation of patients being treated in the department. The students were shown CBCT and Dolphin software. They also visited the Research Centre, CBCT unit and Central Library. Our heartfelt thanks to Honorable vice Chairman Sir, Mr. Arpit Chadha, Director Dr. Vinod Sachdev and Principal Dr. Devi Charan Shetty for providing us with their support and guidance to conduct this program.

"4th Advanced Oral Impalntology Course Module 02" 25th-27th July 2018

4th Advanced Oral Implantology Course 15-17 May 2018

4th Advanced Oral Implantology Course 2018 was inaugurated by our honorable Vice Chairman Mr Arpit Chadha on 15th May 2018. Also present was Dr Lanka Mahesh and his team. This course is a joint initiative of I.T.S Dental College, Ghaziabad and CWM, Korea in association with Pusan National University, South Korea. It aims at giving a sensitization exposure to our students regarding Implantology by the experts in the field.